Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Five days!

I was telling Paul the other night that I didn't even notice when it went from double to single digit - but suddenly we only had six days! Now I can't seem to keep my eye off of it for more than an hour. I'm so shocked - I thought this would never happen! We've been planning for almost a year I wonder what we'll do once we get back :)

I'm a little concerned about how well our money is going to hold up. Despite all the talk about the USD going down the crapper, we're actually getting a slightly - and I mean slightly - better return on our money now than when we started. I think that'll probably just even out the rise in gas prices.

I just hope that I've done all my calculations right. I've calculated and projected almost every cost I can - I just hope that I'm right. I take comfort in knowing that I've over calculated a bit and I may just plain be wrong for what we're going to need. Maybe we wont need to fill up so much. Maybe we wont have to eat out so much. Maybe we'll have to skip on an activity or two - who's to say?

Everything is going to go just fine...


Anonymous said...

Meh! Would being stuck in Scotland really be a bad thing? You can paul could get temp jobs at the local pub to raise the money to get home.

What a story that would be!

Enjoy your trip guys :) and don't fret, I'm sure your calculations are fine.

Take lots of pictures for us!

maura_ea said...

That wouldn't be the worst thing the world :P

I'm going to take a million pictures - I hope I just remember to enjoying it in front of the camera as well!

Anonymous said...

Have fun!!!!!