Friday, November 2, 2007

Okay, so tomorrow wasn't the day

My last post on September 19th was not the day but today is! That's right, I bought our tickets! Just now. JUST NOW!

I'm so excited I could burst and it doesn't seem like anyone is as excited as I am, I wonder why that is? The price was almost $200 less than I thought it would be, we're still traveling on the dates we were intending initially, and I found out that we get a full beef dinner :) Isn't that great?! Beef! I've never been on a plane before and in the span of two weeks I'll be on four.

I emailed our travel agent and told her we're ready to put down our deposit. I think I'm going to put more than just our deposit down though, because the plane tickets were less than expected AND we're getting a bonus for signing our lease again at our apartment.

I'm so excited. I feel like I'm going to BURST!

Buying the tickets was strange through. The woman who helped me was really nice, but she was strange too. She told me I was paying $308 to "Uncle Sam" and how the people of this country are going to riot soon. She was very well informed though. She confused me because at the end she kept asking if I had gotten it yet, and I though I wasn't sure what she was talking about, I assumed she was asking in regards to an email so I kept checking my email. She asked if my printer was on. I asked, "Why?" she said that everything would start printing. So confusing. In the end she said to just call her back if I didn't get the email and a few minutes later I did get it.

I'm so excited!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the big purchase! It must make the trip seem so much more REAL! I'm so excited for you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

i cannot believe you have never been on a plane!'s very exciting.

maura_ea said...

@ terri: I still can't believe its real, I can't imagine us doing this, I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time!

@ karen: You're not the only one :) Let's just hope I don't get sick...