Awhile ago I posted on my Scotland blog about me wanting to purchase a different toiletry kit as the one I have now is just a tad bit too small and it took me ages to pack it so that everything fit - the very thing I was trying to avoid. So I went onto Amazon and bought another bag through one of their merchants. Two weeks later and I'm still waiting for A) The money to be taken out and B) For the item to be shipped. After many emails asking for a status I get an email that says the item is actually out of stock. Nice. However, as an apology they'd like to give me a 25% discount & free shipping to use at their online store (not Amazon). Looking around I've found a few options and I'm having trouble deciding.

First we have two Eagle Creek (I've come to love them!) toiletry kits that are essentially the same however one is larger. The reason I'm debating is because I don't want to get a monster kit - but I don't want to do what I've done with my current kit which is get just enough. Their sizes are 10" x 6.5" x 4" for the medium and 11.5" x 9" x 4" for the large and the price difference is about $10 which bothers me a bit... In fact, as I'm writing this I think I've decided to just go with the medium. For one thing, I don't like paying $10 for a total of 4 inches more. Plus, the inches are height and width but not depth which is where I think I'd find it most beneficial. So, now we've narrowed down which toiletry case to get :)

Second we have two shoulder bags. The reason I'm considering these is because as everyone knows, I'm taking Linnet with me and I want to have her as my carry-on and in a proper bag that will keep her safe and protected. These bags drew my attention because I can't have her stretched out due to carry-on baggage size limitations so I need something that will allow her to bend at the waist but not have to bend at the knees too. These bags are perfect in size, they have a stiff bottom, and the bottom has those metal numbs that will prevent the bag from resting directly on the floor which I think will protect her even more. The decision to be made here is which color/pattern to choose.

Once I choose between which tote, then I have to decide between the toiletry case, or the tote! I might be able to find a good tote, and for cheaper (though, not as cute) else where though I know I've been having trouble finding a good toiletry case. However, once I'd found out I wasn't getting the case I wanted I did another packing and decided to just make do. So, should I buy another toiletry case even though I have one - or should I buy the tote even though I could find these at a dime a dozen?
Gosh you guys are getting close!!!
My father-in-law just got back from his Scotland trip this week. He mentioned how misty and rainy it was and that he wished he would have brought along a rain guard for his camera. If your thinking of lugging your camera/camcorder around you may want to look into that. You can pick one up for $10 online.
I'm so excited for you!
Ohh! That's a good suggestion, I'll go check them out right now!
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