Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What to do... What to do...

Now that we've bought our tickets, ordered our passports, and placed the deposit for the trip - we have to figure out what we want to do! I feel so overwhelmed and I really don't know where to start. There are a million things we can do in the bigger cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh - but what about the smaller ones? I'm worried I'm either going to overbook our time or underbook it and we'll be in a standstill for a lot of our time.

Because we'll be in some cities for two days and others for only a single day - I've made a deal with Paul that we'll relax on the days we have an extra day. That means I need to find stuff for us to do on the following days:
Apr-22, Dublin (from 11am until 8pm)
Apr-23, Glasgow
Apr-24, Fort William (I want to visit Glencoe, but will that be an all day activity?)
Apr-26, Portree [Isle of Skye] (I want to visit Storr, but again, is that an all day trip?)
Apr-28, Inverness
Apr-30, Aberdeen
May-2, Edinburgh
May-3, Dublin
I feel like such a bad international traveler-planner-person, here we are gladly spending all this money and we don't have any idea where we want to go?! Panic!!! There are so many travel sites, so many options and yet... I feel limited. Why is that? I wish I could just find a website that knew what kind of adventure we was looking for. I want this to be a trip I'll never forget. A trip that lives up to all my expectations of a country that I've been dreaming of going to for as long as I can remember.

I need some suggestions. Book or service or website that isn't going to suggest flights, cars, trains, or hotels - just things to do. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Fodor's and Frommer's travel books are really good. They will have things about hotels to stay in, but also things to do, good restaurants, sights to see, etc. plus they are updated every year. There are always travel sections at the bookstore...flip through a few and check them out.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, also, you might find fun things to do once you are there or find that the things you planned aren't as interesting as you had hoped...I know you like to be prepared and plan everything out but keep an open mind to just winging it on occasion! Mike and I had a blast in Victoria doing just that. We only knew 3 things we really wanted to do and then discovered the rest while we were there. (Made him nervous as hell at first, but I love doing it)
My mom, Brigette, Dawn and I did it a little in Ireland too. The important thing is to enjoy yourself, not run around and see everything the books tell you to (my aunt does this....just seems so rushed and more "I came, I saw, I conquered" rather than "I had fun, I relaxed, I enjoyed myself" what if we missed a few things? We had fun, we can always come back later.)

maura_ea said...

I've flipped through all the books. The bummer is that the places they suggest are not possible for us to go to (time of year) or they're too expensive. I bought one "Top 10: Scotland" that I'm getting some really good ideas out of.