Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tester book: Ordered

I decided to give Blurb a try anyhow - and so proceeded to fight with their program to create a mock up of what my book would look like so I could get a feel of how the quality of the pictures and the pages were. I published only the posts I had currently created - but that only equaled to ten out of the minimum of twenty pages - so I added in another ten of nothingness. Three chapter pages, seven maps of our stops, and one page full of clouds - just because :) Those twenty pages cost me approx $25 so averaging about $1.25 per page when ordering soft cover. I can't remember how much the hard cover was. I'm thinking that I'm going to be keeping the blog for about 8 months, 3-5 posts a week, one post per page so that equals to...160 pages at $1.25 per about $200. That's definitely expensive - but if it's a book about 8 great months of my life then I don't mind :) I'm a story teller - what can I say?

It should be here within two weeks, and I have to admit I'm excited. The more and more I used the program the easier it became (not better, just easier) and I learned to adapt and edit my posts where it was needed. I'm excited because if this prints out as nicely as I'm hoping it does then I'm going to be even more encouraged to keep the blog up as we're planning the trip. If it doesn't work out... well I'll be very active right before the trip and right after.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh! I've always wanted to use Blurb... their website is just so pretty it makes me want to use their product (good marketing)

Let me know how your sample turns out, I'm dying to know!

* terri.vox