Thursday, August 2, 2007

Finally, a bit of color on this blog

I got bored with my blog and changed a lot of the layout. I wanted the blog portion wider as I'm a very long-winded writer, so in order to do that I basically had to change everything. But it looks good now, so I'm pretty satisfied :)

Realizing that I could a photo behind the title made me go hunting for pictures of Scotland. I thought I had decided on one and had edited with the blog title and whatnot until I realized I didn't take down the photographers name in order to give credit. Giving credit has been a hot button recently on a lot of the photography based sites I go to so I couldn't very well be a hypocrite and not credit even if I didn't know who to credit. So I had to reopen my search and I went looking for the picture again. Then I ran across a different one.

Lazy Day, originally uploaded by valsworld98.

The photograph above (and my new banner!) is the epitome of what Scotland has always been for me. That is what I want to see when I go. That is what I'm spending all this money on. I just hope I'm not disappointed. I'm so worried that I'm going to miss my opportunity to see what I want to see in the quest to try and see everything. I'll only have this one chance - I better not screw it up.

Photograph taken by Valsworld98 of Flickr

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